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Igniting Student Success

Through Support, Coaching and Overall Development

Supports UMMEED (Understand, Motivate, Manage, Empathise, Empower, Develop) Framweork

factors affecting employee wllbeing

Support, Coaching and Preventive Care

Supports UMMEED (Understand, Motivate, Manage, Empathise, Empower, Develop) Framework

Ready for a Career,
Ready for Life

Exam Stress
It is normal to feel some stress before an exam or assignment. However, if the stress is interfering with their ability to study or perform, it is important to take steps to manage it.
anxious and too many expectations
Many students struggle with too many expectations. With support they can reduce stress and improve their overall well-being.
overwhelmed by assignments
Students can be overwhelmed by assignments and extra curricular activities. Help students develop coping strategies to handle their emotions.
student loneliness
Are students feeling lonely because they are new to the school, don't have many friends, or don't feel connected to their classmates? Identify their source of loneliness, develop coping mechanisms
confused unsure student
What are students passionate about? What do they value in a career? Once they have a better understanding of their interests and values, they can start to narrow down their career options.
resilience student success
Be the best version of themselves. Resilience helps students to bounce back and the best part is that it can be built.

Resilience is a key factor in student success, both academically and personally.


Prevention | Intervention | Education

Connect Anytime Connect Anytime

Connect Anytime

With the guidance of experts who can help students navigate their circumstances and achieve success

Grow Personally Grow Personally

Personal Growth

Mentors utilize CBT to help students identify and challenge limiting beliefs,

Build resilience Build resilience

Curated Trainings and Workshops

Enhance resilience and well-being, and pave the way for academic success through specialized training in stress and anxiety management.

Shared Experiences Shared Experiences

Join the Conversation

Collaborate with fellow learners in group forums to discuss shared experiences.

Always online Always online


Comprehensive evaluations of a student's cognitive, emotional, and social-behavioral functioning. Collaborate with teachers, school counselors, and special education specialists, to ensure that the student receives the best possible support.

Psychological First-Aid Psychological First-Aid

Psychological First-Aid

Cost-effective one-on-one counseling, career and wellbeingguidance that provides students with the support students need to navigate critical junctures in their academic and professional journeys.

Resource Center Resource Center

Access Resources

Explore a range of materials designed to enhance emotional and personal development.

Student Empowerment Student Empowerment

Empowering Students

Self-help tools, Curated Articles, Collaboration opportunities and professional support for personal growth

Privacy and Safety Privacy and Safety

Privacy & Safety

Minimal Personal Information. All details are confidential and never shared outside The Able Mind without consent.

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