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Daily Stressors, How to Understand and Deal with Them

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02 Nov 2022
3 minutes read
The Able Mind
Mental Health Assistance and AdvocacyBuilding Resilience
Daily Stressors, How to Understand and Deal with Them

We all fight for our dreams... but some fight harder than others. Some give up on searching for their future, settling for what they have and are left fighting to just survive... while others sink into states of depression, anger or self-hatred. The pressure of daily life adds to the burden and stress that can lead many people down a path of despair and self-desolation.

There are so many things that get in the way of you and your dreams. We have responsibilities at home and at work. Sometimes it all just becomes too much. Our bodies start to let us know that we’re feeling the stress of our daily lives. Feelings of stress are caused by your body’s instinct to defend itself. But stress can cause unhealthy physical symptoms, if it isn’t managed properly, and can weigh down on our ability to be the best versions of ourselves. Life is not meant to be endured. Life should be enjoyed. You deserve a shot at life and you have so much potential to achieve happiness and success if you choose to make your dreams happen.

Avoid the pitfalls of

A.  Constantly analysing your Life – Life is unpredictable, accept it and just let things be. It isn’t easy but the alternate is a slow roast and a cook process which never stops. Remember that there are no limitations, only choices.

B.  Looking at today with the lens of yesterday – If you want to be truly happy you have no option but accepting the POWER OF NOW. Yesterday’s problems don’t need to be today’s problems and yesterday’s successes may not be today’s successes. Recognize and accept this.

C.  Self-doubt – Mistakes are made, society has been unfair, you don’t feel valued at work, you don’t think highly of yourself. Been there any time? Remember, you haven’t changed; your strengths and values have not changed. Recognize what makes “You” who you are to yourself, instead of simply the world at large. 

If you feel that your day is stressful or overwhelming

A.  Be kind to yourself. Self-compassion is crucial to avoid being a defeatist and staying positive.

B.  Be kind to others. Everyone is dealing with something we know nothing of, spare them the insecurity.

C.  Relax - Take 5 minutes each day to simply breathe deeply and soak in the calmness of your surroundings

D.  Put things in perspective. Write down what troubles you and what usually helps you. Make a list with names of people you can count on. This will help you prepare and not catastrophize

E.   Learn to let go. Sometimes things go wrong in-spite of our best efforts and it almost never is one person’s fault. Cut yourself some slack. Overthinking is wasted effort and counter-productive and always remember to #puttheglassdown

F.   Stay connected. social distancing does not mean emotional distancing. Check in on friends and relatives.

G.  Get up and get going. Exercise in any form is extremely useful to combat stress and anxiety. Assign yourself a partner. It’s more fun with a friend. And finally

H.  Reach Out. There are two kinds of people who can help you when you are upset or feeling unsettled; your inner circle (family/friends/partner) or/and a mental health professional. Figure out who can help you best and talk to them. Heed their advice if it sounds safe and doable. Sometimes, a different perspective or reassurance may be all you need. It is okay to cling on to another person's belief in us till our own self-belief kicks. Remember #strengthissharing

The age-old statement, “Prevention is better than cure” always holds true! By learning how to stay calm and deal with everyday stress and anxiety, you can gradually build up a healthy emotional state. This will help you feel better and prevent anxiety from starting in the first place.

It is easy to think “Why meet a counsellor / therapist when I am not showing any signs of problems or mental health issues”. The simple answer is when the final straw breaks the camel’s back, it is too late for preventive treatments. Preventive care is preferable to curative care because it is the first step towards taking care of your Mental Health: recognizing a problem even before it arises and festers. After all, we don't shy away from regular physical check-ups so we are able to identify problems early and be able to lead a healthy life. Mental Health and Physical Health are closely intertwined and everyone, after all, deserves a shot at life.

On a final note, remember

Taking care of your Mental Health should not just be a priority but a daily habit.

Reaching out isn’t a sign of weakness; it is a sign of strength and your resolve to improve your overall quality of Life.

When you want to seek Preventive Mental Health Support, think the “The Able Mind” and know that your everyday problems and issues don’t define what you can be - because in every mind lies the ability to become something more.

-Rajeev Vijayan

CEO, The Able Mind

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Lifestyle and Mental Health
Building Resilience
Selfcare and Coping
Parenting, Relationships
Mental Health in the Workplace
Mental Health Advocacy

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