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How coaching can help you become a more effective leader

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28 Jun 2023
2 minutes read
The Able Mind
Mental Health Assistance and AdvocacyLifestyle & Mental HealthMental Health in the Workplace
How coaching can help you become a more effective leader

The world of leadership is changing, and so must the leaders who live it. In today's complex and ever-changing environment, leaders need to be more than just skilled. They need to be

•       Transformative.
•       Able to think strategically,
•       Able to solve problems creatively,
•       Able to communicate effectively.
•       Able to build trust and rapport with their teams, and
•       Able to create a workplace where everyone feels valued and respected.
But that's not all. To succeed leaders also need to
•       Deliver results;
•       Invest in building the next generation of leaders;
•       Motivate their teams to greater successes;
•       Challenge themselves to think transformatively;
•       See the big picture;
•       Inspire others;
•       Take calculated risks;
•       Adapt to change, and
•       Stay ahead of the curve.
In short, leaders need to be able to make a difference. But this does not happen in isolation. Leadership is a job and a responsibility – towards your team, your organization that wants you to step up and take charge whatever the situation might be. To make that difference leaders need to
•       Navigate through self-doubt
•       Uncover their unconscious biases.
•       Recognize their strengths and improvement areas
•       Think outside the box to solve problems creatively and effectively
•       Come to terms with your past.
•       Have a clear vision for the future for their team or organization and finally
•       Live up to their full potential – there’s always a line between what you’re capable of and what you’re meant to do
Leaders have a lot on their plates. They need to solve for a wide range of challenges, from managing teams to setting strategy to dealing with crises. It's no wonder that they often need a helping hand.
Coaching can help leaders identify their strengths and weaknesses, set goals, and develop  strategies to achieve those goals. A good coach will provide objective feedback, challenge leaders to think outside the box, and develop a personalized plan for growth and development. Both internal and external coaches can provide effective coaching services. While internal coaches are more familiar with the organization's culture and values, external coaches have a wider range of experience, are more specialized, maintain confidentiality and provide more objective feedback. It all depends on the specific needs and your preferences. Remember, good coaches focus on your performance, not your position.

When we're willing to ask for help, we open ourselves up to new possibilities and opportunities and it could just be the key to our success.
If you are interested in learning more about how a coach can help you, please reach out.
Remember, it all starts with YOU. Don't miss the opportunity to invest in yourself and see how it can transform your perspective.
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Lifestyle and Mental Health
Building Resilience
Selfcare and Coping
Parenting, Relationships
Mental Health in the Workplace
Mental Health Advocacy

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