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Isolation and Mental Health

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05 Oct 2023
3 minutes read
Building ResilienceLifestyle & Mental HealthSelf-Care and Coping
Isolation and Mental Health

We live in an age of unprecedented connectivity through technology, yet ironically, many individuals are experiencing a deeper sense of isolation than ever before. Isolation, in its most prevalent form, is social isolation; covid-19 lockdown is a significant example. This happens when people are disconnected from other people, intentionally or otherwise. There are other forms of isolation such as physical isolation and emotional isolation, wherein people are unable to connect to others by sharing their emotions or due to physical distances between them respectively. 

Effects of Isolation on Mental Health

Social connections are very important for human beings. It is regarded that people with less social connections are more likely to be affected by depression. The links between depression and isolation are very strong. There are many other ill effects of isolation on mental health - 

  • Anxiety: Being alone can make anxiety symptoms worse, especially if the person is ruminating on unfavorable ideas without the supportive impact of social interactions.
  • Loneliness: It has been said that loneliness, which frequently results from isolation, is a public health concern. It may worsen chronic conditions, raise stress levels, and harm cognitive function.
  • Self-Esteem Problems: Isolation can lower self-esteem because people may accidentally perceive their lack of social interactions as a sign of personal inadequacy or rejection.
  • Cognitive Decline: There is growing evidence that prolonged isolation can contribute to cognitive decline, particularly in older adults.

Modern-Day Reasons for Isolation 

We live in a society where people self-isolate in the name of mental health without understanding its consequences. While isolation is something everyone needs, it is nothing is good in excess and it may further do harm than good. Here are a few ways through which people unconsciously tend to isolate themselves - 

  • Excessive use of Technology: while technology has connected us in many ways, it has also paradoxically made us feel disconnected. Feelings of loneliness may result from excessive screen usage.
  • Lack of Work-Life Balance: Isolation can be made worse by remote work and the blending of work and personal life. 
  • Overuse of Social media: Social media can contribute to feelings of inadequacy and loneliness by creating a false image of others' lives. 

Coping with Isolation

Safeguarding ourselves from excessive isolation is a need of the hour for proactive mental health practices. It is easy to fall for the traps of isolation in this century and there have to be strategies in place to protect ourselves from going overboard with it. Here are a few strategies that could kickstart your journey - 

  • Technology for Good: Utilize technology wisely. Participate in online communities, video conversations, and virtual meetups that promote real connections.
  • Establish Limits: Establish distinct boundaries between work hours and personal time to maintain a healthy work-life balance.
  • Self-Care: Set self-care practices like exercise, meditation, and fulfilling hobbies as a priority.
  • Reach Out: Actively look for chances to socialize. Speak with your loved ones, friends, or a support group. Even a quick exchange of words can have a big impact.
  • Professional Assistance: If loneliness is negatively affecting your mental health, think about getting in touch with a therapist or counselor.

It is necessary for everyone to isolate themselves to a certain degree to help themselves disconnect from the noise of the world to connect with the self while being mindful of the slippery slope of excessive isolation. It is vital to build meaningful social connections and prioritize our mental health from the falsified images of the hustle culture. 

Ready to reconnect with yourself and the world? 

At The Able Mind, we wish to encourage everyday conversations about mental health issues. We are just a click away for affordable counseling to help you handle issues - small or big - one day at a time. You can have a stigma and worry-free therapy experience without burning deep holes in your pockets. 


We are here to provide proactive mental health support for everyone who struggles with anxiety, depression, relationship issues, or anything that comes in the way of wholehearted happiness. We also help you manage your time, anger, or confidence at the tips of your fingers. 

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Post Attachments: None
Lifestyle and Mental Health
Building Resilience
Selfcare and Coping
Parenting, Relationships
Mental Health in the Workplace
Mental Health Advocacy

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